07437 200707

Invest In Your Health



sports massage & remedial therapist

Certified SMART


At Physi-kal we specialise in deep tissue sports massage therapy, this is beneficial for both professional / amateur sports participants and also non-sports / general population.
Sports massage therapy works deep into the muscle tissue, helping to realign the muscle fibres and connective tissue, as muscular adhesions can block circulation, cause pain and limit ROM (range of movement).
The techniques used in massage therapy aid in flushing away toxins and promoting tissue recovery which can greatly improve muscle tension / pain and aid training, sport performance, but as well as this it also helps improve the quality of everyday life.
Physi-kal sports theraphy

Benefits of SMART (sport massage and remedial therapy)

Deep tissue massage focus’ on the specific problem area/s helping aid recovery from the following conditions..

Chronic pain
Injury rehab (sports or general lifestyle)
Pre / post event massage
Limited ROM (range of motion ) / mobility issues
Low back pain
Postural issues
Tennis, golfer’s elbow / Carpel tunnel syndrome
General muscle tension / spasms
Piriformis syndrome



I have been qualified sports massage therapist since 2008 and currently hold the highest available qualification in the UK, BTEC L5 Dip. SMRT (sport massage and remedial therapist) gained from the prestigious Cambridge school of sports massage (CSSM), I am a registered member of CIMSPA and the ISRM.

During this period I have worked with athletes from sports such as professional and semi-professional football, boxing, Brazilian jujitsu, netball, rowing, distance runners and squash.

Also in the corporate world with company employees from Amazon, Microsoft, NAAP, Jagex, Frontier, Redgate, Mathwork’s and Philips, and also with individuals from all walks of life and different issues ranging from car accidents rehab to muscle tension from work issues.




Initial consultation & treatment £60


Follow up treatments; 30mins £35, 45mins £40 and 60mins £55


Postural assessment session/review/exercises 30mins £40

cambridge sports theraphy


The Trinity Centre, 24 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0FN


Call Me

07437 200707
